Food and Travel Lao Food Laos

Rice Crackers drying in the sun

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Drying sticky rice crackers on the main street, Sakkaline Road, in the old quarter of Luang Prabang’s UNESCO World Heritage Site is a common and traditional sight in the city. Sticky rice crackers are a popular and delicious snack in Laos.

Traditional Snack: Khao Jee, or sticky rice crackers, are made from glutinous rice. The rice is soaked, steamed, and then shaped into round patties before being dried naturally in the sun.

Drying Process: After being shaped, the sticky rice crackers are laid out on bamboo mats or wooden racks to dry under the sun. The process of drying the crackers helps preserve them and gives them their distinctive texture and flavor.

Sakkaline Road: Sakkaline Road is one of the main streets in Luang Prabang’s old quarter, and it’s a lively area with shops, restaurants, and markets. You can often find vendors or locals setting up their mats along the street to dry the sticky rice crackers.

Aromatic Scents: As the crackers dry under the sun, they release a delicious aroma that fills the air, enticing passersby with their tempting fragrance.

Cultural Experience: Witnessing the preparation and drying of sticky rice crackers is not only a culinary experience but also a cultural one. It offers a glimpse into traditional Lao food practices and local daily life in Luang Prabang.

Tasting the Snack: Visitors have the opportunity to try the freshly made sticky rice crackers once they are dried, deep fried, and topped with caramelized sugar, also known as “burnt sugar”. You can purchase them from street vendors or local markets, and they are often enjoyed as a tasty on-the-go snack.

Preservation of Tradition: This practice of drying sticky rice crackers in the old quarter of Luang Prabang represents the preservation of local culinary traditions and the continuation of age-old methods of food preparation.

When exploring the old quarter of Luang Prabang, keep an eye out for the sticky rice crackers drying along Sakkaline Road. It’s a wonderful way to experience the local food culture and add a flavorful touch to your visit to this UNESCO World Heritage Site in Laos.

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