Originally posted on Lao Planet on Thursday, 16 February 2006
Lao Planet members and visitors have contributed to the Lao book box fund for a few years now. You might wonder what has happened with your hard-earned-and donated-cash….well here is the update.

Thanks to these heroes, who kindly donated to the book box fund, we were able to buy three additional book boxes for Lao school kids in 2006. Including 2004/2005 donations we are now totalling four Laoplanet book boxes in Laos.
The donations were generously delivered by Vienne during his vacation in Laos in January. He personally took care of bringing the donated money to the deputy director of the National Library of Laos, Mr. Oudomsavanh Kannouvong.
Next to that Vienne is a generous donator for the book boxes himself. Kudoos to the Lao top chef!
Generally, it is heart warming in a big way to see our small charity project result in successful deliverables: knowledge for Lao kids that they would otherwise lack because of unsufficient resources of the Lao Ministery of Information and Culture.
The gift of knowledge to Lao kids. That was the point.
The Deputy Director of the National Library of Laos wrote us, Laoplanet contributors to the book box fund, a nice letter:
“Dear representatives of www.laoplanet.net Book Box Fund,
On behalf of the Reading Promotion Programme and the National Library of Laos, we acknowledge having received the sum of 400 Euros for the creation of book boxes.
We would like to thank Laoplanet.net donators for this kind donation.
Vientiane, January 6, 2006
Mr. Oudomsavanh Kannouvong”
Below you see some more pictures of Vienne handing over the money for the Book Boxes to Mr. Oudomsavanh Kannouvong and the construction of our book box library.

Well done all who made this possible
Glad to hear all the kids will have some books to read now. Books are a great way to improve your speaking and writing skills. Thanks for delivering the books Vienne.
Well done! Swell job Vienne!
good stuff brother!i’m proud of you what you have done to help those kids in school by funding some books and school items.there are so many things in laos to do and seee but the education is the most important tools of all in laos for our younger generations to come.if we take our time to explored what we have missed from our hometown maybe we might be doing more good for our younger at home.in the futre who knows maybe one of them kids might become someone succcessful & rebuilting a better environment for other have a decent living.